Other Helpful Things

  • In Entry #4, Alanna refers to "Bloom's Taxonomy," and this is it! Essentially, it's the idea that learning exists on a spectrum - it starts in a way that is fact-based and rooted in initial understanding, and it evolves into something more abstract. The more a student learns about something, the more they can see its complexities, and potentially develop their own ideas or opinions about it.
    • Forehand, M. (2010). Bloom’s taxonomy. Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology, 41, 47.

  • In Entry #7, Dr. Anne Murray-Orr mentions a teacher resource called FLIPGRID: "Flipgrid is where your students go to share ideas and learn together. It’s where students amplify and feel amplified. It’s video the way students use video. Short. Authentic. And fun!"

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